Club Financial Services FAQs

1 . How can I find out how much money my club has?

Your club's treasurer should keep a running ledger showing all financial activities with the club fund. In addition, reports are emailed regularly to your main club email (ex: showing the available fund balance. Club Officers, including the Treasurer, should have access to their club email. If a club member needs access to the email, the club president must fill out the Lumberjack Link form here. You may also drop by the Club Financial Services office for quick general questions on your club's finances, or schedule a meeting with the Club Financial Coordinator for a longer discussion.

2 . How do I access my club's funds?

Payments can be made out of the club fund with the Payment Request Form with the approval of your club’s advisor as well as the treasurer or president. You may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, have a check sent directly to a vendor, or request a purchase online with the Club Financial Coordinator’s ProCard. To use the payment request form, you will also need to provide original itemized receipts or invoices. For information on submitting the Payment Request Form, please see this guide.

3 . How quickly can I get reimbursed from the club's account?

Reimbursements for supplies that are less than a combined total of $300 may be eligible for same-day cash reimbursement. (Not including travel reimbursements). All other reimbursements must be issued by check. Check payments take about 10 business days to process and issue from the time it has been approved by the Club Financial Coordinator. If your payment request is missing essential signatures, receipts, or supplementary documents, this can lengthen the time before you get your money. Please take processing time into consideration when submitting your forms.

4 . Why can't my club use Venmo, Square, or PayPal?

To ensure that all electronic transactions and transfers of money are secure, they must be PCI compliant. PCI compliance outlines the regulations and procedures for staff, as well as criteria for electronic payments to ensure that the funds are secure. Unfortunately, Venmo, Square, PayPal, and other 3rd party sites do not meet Humboldt’s PCI compliance standard. For more information on PCI compliance, click here.

The Club Financial Services Office rents out credit card terminals that do meet Humboldt’s PCI compliance standards. These terminals ensure that all money collected is deposited directly in your club’s trust fund account instead of an individual’s personal banking account. Please note that credit card readers are only reserved for large events.

5 . Can the Club Financial Coordinator pay for hotel/Airbnb fees before my trip using the ProCard?

Travel expenses are only eligible for reimbursement, with the exception of some conference fees (with approval from the Student Financial Services Manager). Once students return from their trip, they may submit a payment request form to reimburse the individual who paid for the hotel/Airbnb.